Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Mike Brown, another chapter in the perpetual war against people who are threat to those who dwell on the upper portion of the social class hierarchy!!!

  1. What are your thoughts of the Mike Brown verdict? Why do you feel this way?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. What lessons can we learn from this display of injustice? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. What do you feel is the role of police men in your neighborhood? Are you afraid of the police because of their abuse of "power"? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
View the links below (Videos of news reports in relation to Mike Brown)

  1. After viewing the third link (video speech given by Obama), what are your thoughts of it? Do you agree with him or disagree with him? Why? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Being that this incident happened in St. Louis, how does it affect you? (Explain) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Has the media influenced the way that you viewed this case of Mike Brown? If so how? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. My opinion on the Mike Brown verdict is that it is wrong and injustice. He had no right to shoot him. He should have used a different tactic instead of going for his gun. The most important thing is life without life nothing is able to form. If your first instinct as a defender of the people is to shoot an unarmed and trying to surrender individual with a bullet, than there needs to b something done because that is not right. It took six shots to kill an unarmed individual. I believe the verdict was very injustice.

  2. i think we need to aid eachother we need to make our own food and stores and things the government treat us like this because the feel we need them to feed us or take care of us medically.

  3. I agree Ms. Ellison, killing is not acceptable in that case, especially an unarmed man!!! What are your thought of the next steps that should happen, now that this is over with?

  4. Mr. Franklin, once upon a time we had our own neighborhood stores and supported one another, but now we are divided and do not look out for one another. What would having our own stores in our own communities mean?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This Affect Me Because Seeing My People Getting Killed And The Jury Not Doing Anything About Affects Me Because The Cops Now They Can Do Anything To Us Black People.

  7. Mr. Kalvin, I totally understand. However, this is not the case, so what can we do to establish solutions to combat this terrible trend?

  8. Mr. Johnson are you afraid of the police, who are there to protect and serve you? Why? What could you do about it?

  9. i feel that police in my neighborhood isn't even around enough to even notice if a crime is committed and i really do fear for my life because if a police officer can kill a innocent black man and get off then i know it could be me one day and i feel police officers are just like us because there not innocent just like where not innocent and i feel that there should be justice for all instead of just one

  10. I Wouldn't Say I'm Afraid But They No They Can Do Anything To Us Black People They're Here To Protect Us You Really Couldn't Do Anything About It Because Anyway It Goes The Jury Is Going To Be On There Side

  11. Mr. Ferguson i feel the verdict for mike brown was terrible because he was innocent and i feel that his parents can't get justice cause an officer is free and there son is dead how i feel is Darren Wilson should Be locked up for life or die because he took a boy from his family and he out here still doing his job i feel Darren Wilson life should be took just like mike brown

  12. they should gave that kid a change because he had to pull up his pants that's wrong the police always in the hurry to kill black people......

  13. About the Micheal Brown situation i feel so scared because now i know im not safe anywhere . i believe that was really bold and the boy deserve justice because nobody deserve to die this way.

  14. Mike brown did not deserve to die, he was an unarmed civilian. Police officers are here to serve and protect not to murder. He didn't deserve to be shot 6 times, when will it end the oppression. Emmet till, Treyvon Martin, Mike Brown. It needs to stop and it can if we come together.

    1. I agree Life, oppression is real and we need to develop alternate ways of dealing with it. I believe that the 1st step is education and knowledge of self which would be used to combat our own self-image and use that as a foundational piece.

  15. I really don't get why whould he shoot but then they get mad when we protest why is that? why is it a big deal when when protest? don't when you put your hands up that mean you sareder?
