Sunday, November 30, 2014

ACT- I know, most of the information that  I have posted on this blog was posted there to get students and viewers to think and give some feedback primarily based on topics that aren't usually discussed in class. Therefore, in order to create some balance and direct student attention toward important curriculum within the classroom, I have posted the following link for the ACT question of the day. This link will address some of the potential questions that will be on the ACT or questions that are similar to these. With that being said we are constantly trying to prepare the students for their next phase of learning beyond high school, so this question of the day provided via ACT website should help the students to think about various questions that will be given to them on the ACT. Please answer and build your learning skills to excel in all academic endeavors: 

ACT Question of the Day!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The video is soooo true! However, Africans in America are the only group without a mother tongue. Language is the vehicle that carries a group's culture, history, expectations, mores, and values. Alas, all of their values are European. Until they address the that aspect, there will be no unity--"Consciousness precedes Unity."
