Friday, November 21, 2014

"Black Incarceration" Let's give this some thought!!!!

Please view the video in its entirety!!! The purpose of this blog is to analyze the disproportionate numbers of "blacks" being locked up (put in jail) or either being castrated by society by putting them on probation and branding them with felonies or misdemeanors. Your responses are appreciated!!!!

  1. Do you think that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's vision was one of today's society in regard to "black incarceration" and social inequalities that are constantly being brought fourth to keep "blacks" in a state of dependency??? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Compare and Contrast - How have things (society) changed for the worst in regards to the Civil Rights Act (fight for equal rights) vs. today's society and the thought process of  a good portion of "people" of color? Are we still fighting for equality or are we content being where we are as a people? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Is there anything that we can do as a community / communities to help usher in a change of perception of the people of color, so that we are not targeted by powerful entities who have influence over society? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  


  1. When i watch these clips its showing me how life is before and after its inspiring to me and i guess to other people.But to me it shows me how life was tough but he says something about games i don't think it is,buts it is a inspiration to me to watch clips like these.

  2. We can do a lot as a community to help usher in a change of perception in the people of color by not letting them fool us into thinking we are ignorant and lose our hood mentality and just be smart. We have to remember that we were on top once and that's where we belong.

    1. Mr. Spraggins, excellent answer. How can you help to change the perception of your peers?

    2. Young brother Spraggins, great answer. Knowledge of Self is important and will help to instill pride, morals, and higher standards or self, and kind that will allow you and other brother and sisters to make the changes necessary to regain control of our education, communities, life. Bro Bey is showing you the way, learn as much as you can from him, and apply it to your life.

  3. OK Mr. Oliver, do you know people who are locked up or who have been locked up? Are they able to get a job without a degree of difficulty?

  4. No, but i know people who have been locked up and had a piece and income job.

  5. President Andrew Johnson’s voted the Civil Rights Act of 9 April 1866 for the following reason:

    “Johnson further warned in his veto message that the bill would, "when put into complete operation, practically transfer the entire care, support, and control of 4,000,000 emancipated slaves to agents, overseers, or taskmasters, who, appointed at Washington, are to be located in every county and parish throughout the United States containing freedmen and refugees. Such a system would inevitably tend to a concentration of power in the executive (President, Police) which would enable him, if so disposed, to control the actions of this numerous class and use them for the attainment of his own political ends."

    To put it bluntly, the ownership of the slaves was to be transferred from their Southern masters, from whom they had been confiscated, to the War Department of the U.S. Government where they would be held in perpetual bondage under a system of "ParaMilitary","Admiralty", "paternalism." This is the reason why the police are killing, harassing and jailing our people.

    1. Thanx for that information brother, how do you like the blog?

  6. We will mot respond to ignorance, especially when we are trying to equip you with some information that will benefit you!!!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. For the Full Document copy and past link!

    It's straight bro, we need more dialogue of he kind.

    MLK's Dream has become a Nightmare, and was planned by the Jews who financed the NAACP, along with D.W. Dobus who undercut Marcus Garvey. King was used as a Puppet to divide us as a people. Intergration was the tool, and really messed us up as a collective people. This allowed the Race Racist to systematically create systems of genocide, that we because apart of through our lack of recources, and unity. They implemented Wars against Black people through Wars on Drugs, Wars on Crime, Negative degrading, violent Music, Negative Media, and Mind altering propaganda, Self hate, ignorance is all but destroying our progeny. Which is why some many of our your brothers and sisters have fallen to The Corporate Prison System.

  9. I think Martian was a very good person that wanted a lot for this world and most of it came true.

  10. This blog is very inspiring to me to know that we were kings and queens and how are history now and days are being whitewash and false claimed.

  11. i think that as black people we all have been blind but have gained a new understanding of the situation

    1. Mr. Britton, what are we going to do with this new understanding? How are we going to support our brothers and sisters, and keep them out of the prison pipeline?

  12. Knowing where you came from or where your ancestors or your ethnicity or race can have self pride and confidence

  13. in this world white people have become the main users in culture and everything else

  14. I say this is very bad for blacks & whites because they are both doing wrong things & this is not what Dr. King wanted for the future.
