Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ancient History Analysis and Research Activity - The Original Name is Kemet!!!

Even today, a significant number of mainstream Egyptologists, anthropologists, historians and Hollywood moviemakers continue to deny African people’s role in humankind’s first and greatest civilization in ancient Egypt. This whitewashing of history negatively impacts Black people and our image in the world. There remains a vital need to correct the misinformation of our achievements in antiquity.
Senegalese scholar Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop (1923-1986) dedicated his life to scientifically challenging Eurocentric and Arab-centric views of precolonial African culture, specifically those that suggested the ancient civilization of Egypt did not have its origins in Black Africa.
Since some people continue to ignore the overwhelming evidence that indicates ancient Egypt was built, ruled, and populated by dark-skinned African people.

A lot of times my students ask, "How and why is history important or relevant to me?" Therefore, I attempt to show them that history is important and relevant to them because a lot of what we view as ancient history, is their history. Moreover, it is up to me to make the connection to the ancient history of them by bridging the gap and reinserting them back into the historical fold by producing evidence and conducting research which clearly shows that the ancient ancestors were people of "color". However, movies and forms of media like this
don't make my job easy!!!!

  1. Be honest, where do you think that the historical origin of the Afrikan began? What year?Around what time period?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Before looking at a map, tell me where Egypt (Kemet) is geographically located? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Compare and Contrast-Compare these depictions of Ancient Egypt vs. The Movie Posters. Are there any differences in regards to the people shown in these pictures? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Have you eve heard of Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop ? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Based on some pieces of evidence presented, were the inhbabitants of Ancient Egypt (Kemet), people of "color"? Why do you think that today's media, does not want to convey this message? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. I am waiting on responses to the blog that I posted above, let's have some interesting conversation, students!!!!

  2. African Origins Of Civilization
    By Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop

    All one has to do is to read this great piece of literary work to see what Diop is talking about. For thousands of years we have been cheated and lied to about our history, it is only through research that the truth can be revealed. This is one of the most positive books about African history and it is written by one of our own...the African...Thank you Diop for daring to do what no man has ever done before. From the very onset of written history, the black Man and Wombman has always been depicted as a simpleton, someone incapable of thinking for themselves, someone dependent on 'massa' for dear life. Cheikh Anta Diop not only dispels these lies, he also brings to light the truth about black history...the glorious history of our ancestors from time unknown. Reading the book is so uplifting and so educating that one has to read it to experience our history. Even though Dr Cheikh Anta Diop is no more with us, his writings will do the talking. To all people of African decent, please read this book and find out what you have never been taught in school.

    Click on the link or copy and paste it into your browser to download book.

    Nubians played a major role in Egyptian civilization, both at its beginning and near its end. Nubia is an ancient Black country now located within southern Egypt and northern Sudan. Dr. Bruce Williams from the University of Chicago published in 1979, after extensive archaeological investigation, that a great Black Nubian dynasty preceded the 1st Egyptian dynasty by several hundred years and introduced all of the principles of civilization, which were later brought to fruition by the ancient Egyptians. Evidence of an advanced political organization with Pharaohs, an advanced writing system with hieroglyph, and an advanced religious concept with Horus and Osiris were all found to precede the first Egyptian dynasty.
    During the Ninth Century BC, Egypt became dominated by foreign rulers including the Libyans and Assyrians and again looked for help from her southern Black neighbor. The Nubian emperor Piankhy conquered all of Egypt and became the first ruler of the 25th Egyptian dynasty. He sponsored a cultural revival in Egypt and resurrected the linguistic and artistic style of the old and middle Egyptian kingdoms. He refurbished all the Egyptian temples and monuments and had many new pyramids and other buildings erected.
    It was during this 25th Egyptian dynasty, between 800 BC and 654 BC, called the "Nubian Renaissance," that Africans were also responsible for tremendously influencing the first American civilization called the Olmec civilization. Speculation as to a possible African element in the first major American civilization began in 1858 AD, when the first of many colossal stone heads were discovered by Mexican peasants. These colossal heads were over eight feet in height and weighed over 10 tons each. The colossal heads were carbon dated to 800 BC and all have typical Nubian features including full lips, fleshy noses, and Africoid facial contours. The ancient Egyptian harbor at Tanis is the only other place in the world with colossal heads of Nubian Blacks.
    Dr. Ivan Van Sertima studied extensively the Egypto-Nubian presence in ancient Mexico and found tremendous technological and cultural contributions made to the Olmec civilization by Nubians.
    These technological advancements included the art of mummification, the art of pyramid building, and the skills needed to transport massive blocks of stone for long distances. Buildings required great mathematical precision in the laying, reveling, and fitting of the stone, and this was done for the first time in ancient America with Nubian instructors. Dr. Barry Fell of Harvard says the Egypto- Nubian hieroglyphic writing system has been found as far north as eastern Canada, among the Micmac tribe after spreading from its Olmec center. Bronze technology was also given to the Olmecs in addition to the Egyptian calendar.
    Cultural traits adopted by the Olmecs from the Egypto-Nubians included the use of the color purple, the artificial beard, and the double crown headdress for signifying royalty. Professor Wiercinski, a Polish skull and skeletal expert, says that 13.5% of the bones found in one Olmec cemetery were African and that many were dressed in a royal or priest fashion and were lying side by side with a native American female.
    During the Nubian renaissance, long before Christopher Columbus and even before Jesus Christ, Blacks were masters of the old world of Egypt and the new world of America. Dr. Van Sertima says that this fact in itself opens a new historical window from which to view the history of America and of the entire Black race.

Linkable books from
Dee Roo, P. (1900) History of America Before Columbus. Philadelphia: J.P.
Hyman, M. (1994) Blacks Before America. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press. Irwin, C. (1963) Fair Gods, and Stone Faces. New York: St. Martin’s Press Jairazbhoy, R.A. (1974) Ancient Egyptians and Chinese In America. New Jersey:
    Rowman and Littlefield.
    Jairazbhoy, R.A. (1992) Rameses III: Father of Early America. Chicago: Frontline International.
    Nettleford, R. & Hyatt, V. (eds.) (1995) Race, Discourse and Origin of the Americas. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institute Press.
    Peterson, F. (1959) Ancient Mexico. New York: Putnam and Sons.
Van Sertima, I. (1977) They Came Before Columbus. New York: Random House.
    Van Sertima, I. (ed) (1992) African Presence In Early America. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.
    Von Wuthenau, A. (1975) Unexpected Faces in Ancient America. New York: Crown Publishers.
    Von Wuthennau, A. (1969) The Art of Terracotta Pottery in Pre-Columbian South and Central America. New York: Crown.
    Wiener, L. (1922) Africa and the Discovery of America. Philadelphia: Innes and Sons.

  5. Bro. El, thanks for the post appreciate it. As usual you have given us a wealth of information. Thanks for the downloadable book too. Inspiring young minds for tomorrow. Peace!!!
