Thursday, November 20, 2014

Message in the Movie - Higher Learning / Boyz in The Hood

Supreme Wisdom 101- Movie analysis of Higher Learning!!!!!

The goal of this movie clip analysis is to understand the various elements that are perpetuated in society, which focus on social /class distinction, educational inequality, and a conscious awakening of the mind.

After watching this movie clip answer the following questions:

  1. Why do you think, that I had you watch this movie clip? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. How does seizing information make you powerful? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Do you view your life as a game? Is it a game that you want to win? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. on the second clip he trying to teach us that with knowledge you can go a long way. you can either let it fly by you or use it to your advantage. TreVion Hill

  2. Yes, I view life as a game, because it's either you are going to do what you have to do to be successful, or lose and don't go anywhere and end up in jail or even worst. Life is a game i want to win.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. in the third video he wants them to know that everythhing is a game and to be successful in life you have to play the game and win

  5. Antwan arming yourself to win this game is not easy. How are you going to overcome adversity to win?

  6. i really didn't care for all of this but the boyz in the hood thing because i like that movie

  7. The point of this video was to show the younger (And trouble-causing) viewers that having certain information is key.
