Saturday, December 6, 2014

Thought Provoking, tasteful, powerful.

How do you make a powerful statement without speaking any words??????

View the following link and then look at the Tumblr page created by "African American" men who attend Yale University entitled "To my unborn son".

Focus Questions
  1. How has social media changed the way that we are able to communicate with one another? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. What are your thoughts of this powerful social media message? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Has the death of Micheal Brown made you think about your role in society? If so, in what ways has it impacted your  viewpoint of police, the justice system, and how you should conduct yourself in society? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. The Article To my unborn son was very touching and inspiring because it gives Micheal Brown family a little confort knowing that others fell the same way and that justice for there son should be served so that this will not happen to the next black young man that come in contact with a police officer .

  2. we as people can make a power statement without using words by protesting and forming organizations .

  3. The use of social media is a faster more easy way to communicate with others

  4. The death of Michael Brown has made me realize how protected and justified police actions are. Despite what protocol the citizen followed, whatever the police feels is right is justified. There's no if and or buts about the action. Seeing this happen to Michael Brown, I think I will be staying in the house for a while. There are social media pictures going around with people on their knees with their hands up. This symbolizes that Michael Brown was on his knees with his hands and the police still decided to offer 6 warning shots in his back. Many people are taking this picture to show how injustice his situation was.

  5. Social media is a faster way of connecting with other thats why people use it so much

  6. Yes the death of micheal brown made me realize the status of african americans in this world

  7. the death of micheal brown was a hot topic all ova the world we need to stand togeather as a nation and get reunited as one stand

  8. the use of social media is faster and ez for u to connect with all types of people from around the world

  9. I think social media has grown because my grandma use to send letters in I can just send a message quicker in I can use my own phone in not the house phone
    in I'm access to a lot because of google
