Thursday, December 4, 2014

Making History Relevant Now - Analyzing Social Injustices

What are social injustices?

Can you give me an example of a social injustice?

How do we address the issue of social injustices? 

When does humanity trump performing duties as an officer?

Current Events are a way of keeping up with the happenings of the world. At the same time history continues to happen everyday. Moreover, our current and present history is just as relevant as events that happened in the past. Therefore, it is imperative that we take time to analyze various events of our present state and develop solutions on how to address that specific issue!!! One of the most pressing issues that come to mind when dealing with a large population of "African American Males", is the issue of police brutality. Recent events that have transpired, which rendered a not guilty verdict for the following victims, are unacceptable. They are unacceptable because someone losses their life and thus dismissed as if they did not matter. 

Watch the following videos / links, then respond accordingly to have an open dialogue about the present / recent happenings, and how we can address those issues properly, as a people and as a community? 

Now think about the questions that I posted at the beginning of this blog, and respond accordingly and profoundly:


  1. that was bow how they got killed

  2. Yes Mr. Uchiha, it was messed up and very disturbing the way that all three victims died. So, is there anything that you can do to try to avoid being persecuted in the same manner?

  3. What we are talking about is "Respect!" Black people as a whole, but especially Black Men, are not respected in the way we should be. This coupled with the fact many still have resentment which is culminated by Demonization of the Black Man. Unfortunately, many of these individuals that have these feelings are in Law Enforcement and are able to use laws to show the ultimate level of disrespect; killing us. To take this a step further, read the FBI manuscript entiled "COINTELLPRO." It is full of injustices. The plight of inner city schools is.a social injustice. How do we fixe social injustices? We do it by boycotting and protesting financially. Spend money developing our own communities and infrastructures. We must become the lenders versus the borrowers.
