Friday, December 5, 2014

Have you Ever Questioned????

Have you ever questioned????

Questioning, or challenging is what I like to call it in my class. Challenging ideas, challenging concepts, or challenging ideologies takes a lot of courage and background information. I think that a person should however challenge with a purpose and not challenge just for the sake saying something or trying to make a joke. Challenging something should provoke thought and critical thinking on how to solve problems.  

Below is a clip of Muhammad Ali, watch and learn about how he raises questions and challenges what he is taught via his experiences.

  1. Have you ever wondered about some of the questions that he asked in the beginning of the interview? If so, which ones? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. How does he address the issue of racism in the video? __________________________________________________________c_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. According to Muhammad Ali, how has brainwashing occured? Does this brainwashing effect still happen in today's age and time? If so, how? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. Does today's athletes challenge issues that are happening in the world today? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. the question he had asked was that when we die do people always go to heaven not always people go to heaven

  2. Jalen make sure you capitalize all of the words at the beginning of sentences and use good sentence structure. What kind of people did he say goes to heaven?

  3. HE said do white people go to heaven and he said not just black people go to heaven also white people to

  4. Funny but at the same time put a big question mark in my mind (Some People Need To Wake Up)

  5. Thayamas, what were the questions? Have you ever thought about these questions before?

  6. Where There Black Angles? , Why was everything bad black and everything good white ? , and do black people go to heaven ? , & etc. And I thought about the questions but in a different way

  7. OK, yes I understand. A lot of times we don't think about these things. However, society tries to despise most things that are black especially "black" people.

  8. I be wondering the same thing like that's crazy why we cant have a black house? I only seen one black jesus in my life and on t.v I never seen a black angles why is that?

  9. Ty, it makes you I important? What color was Jesus according to the bible? Black angels are always looked upon as being demonic examples are the Grimm Reaper, Dementors on Harry Potter.

  10. You right but but see wonder if a black and white angle act the same, look the same and everything?

  11. he addresses them using jokes and stereotypes

  12. some of the athletes not all of them all the african americans should challenge

  13. In the Coach Carter video, those are real statistics. Most boys need to hear that from one of the staff members that care.
