Friday, December 5, 2014

Learning with Humor- Thinking Outside of the Box!!!!!!!

This is a great clip to watch and learn about being an adult and the choices that you make, which help to determine your future. After watching respond and engage in meaningful dialogue by posting comments in the comment box. Remember  each week you can earn 10 Pts. or 25 Pts. depending on how much interaction that you engage in:

Focus Questions:

  1. What are your plans for life after high school? (Explain) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Are you prepared to accomplish your dreams / goals? (be honest) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Are you going to be a regular person or are you going to be exceptional? How? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. Are you a leader (trailblazer) or a follower? What are some of those leader characteristics that you have? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. I tried telling people college would be the best option and they wonder why this video explains it all

  2. see if you dont go to college you end up having no money

  3. Darius, is college something that you aspire to do? Are you prepared? What do you want to major in? Do you think that A lot of kids think like Theo?

    1. yes college mean alot to me because i wanna be some body when i get older and change life's and yes i'm perpared my mother and my step dad getting me ready i have all the tools

  4. Its like 15% of black people that go to college and the other 85% of black people dead, on the streets, or lock up in some one jail...... That's why people talk about us black people i know y'all don't like being talked about that's why its so importing that black people need to go to college we need to make the population increase then decreasing.

  5. i wanna go to college because it will hep me get a good job , and helpp me need to know what i need to get a job and i need a diploma, and master degree

  6. I love this clip. I really like the way he broke it down to him how life is.

  7. to me this video is funny but i also under stand that if you want to live a "lavish life" you have to go and graduate college

  8. He is telling the truth about the system.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. i love this clip i wish my daddy was here to tell me how fast money will leave me and how to spend my money

  11. I think that this video is hilarious.But, at the same time he is not lying about the system.You can not leave High School knowing that you did not do well. You should try and better yourself cause if not you wot have the money for any of those things. You will be broke on the streets begging for change an nobody wants there life like that. If your depending on your mom or dad still then stop. There going to need you there when they pass away.Then who your going to depend on.Right the only person you have in this world is yourself. So if you mess up on life and decision who do you blame it on (yourself).So do better and be better not just for anyone else do it for yourself.Like i said that's all you have at the end of the day.
