Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What is Gentrification?

What is gentrification?

What does this mean for the future of Detroit?

Read this article via the link below and state your understanding about the future of Detroit, that really isn't that far away!!!

Does Furious (Lawrence Fishburne) give a great explanation of the above concept??? This is a re-post of information that I provided earlier in regards to thinking about the future of the urban sectors!!!


  1. I think this is a warning and a heads up to let ous know where all the things that are poisoning our community. "To be for warned is to be for armmed."

  2. I love this clip. I really like how he was breaking it down to them what's going on in the world.

  3. I find this clip very inspiring. He was giving the young black men information about how their community is set up.

  4. I find this clip very inspiring. He was giving the young black men information about how their community is set up.

  5. he was trying too tell them that at a point of time everybody is killing eachother and now young men has too change for the better and stop being violent cause every young male is dying

  6. he was telling the truth about his community

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I feel that we need more positive role models in our neighborhood like this . I think that if someone of the young men in my neighborhood had someone to talk to them like this they would have a different out look on their selves and their lives .

  9. Bascially what he was doing is giving the young men information about there population and the liquor stores. You basically have to be smart, because most of them grew up with out a father so he was telling them about the stores

  10. I feel as if the african american race is not aware of the term gentrification. If this continues to happen the afriacn american race will never rise from the limitations that were embedded in our minds.
