Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Prelude to Hip-Hop

I am an enthusiastic lover of hip-hop. However, in today's time and era we see and hear hip-hop everywhere, but has the value in the messaging been lost??? These are the original conscious brothers who started the trend of addressing social ills in the form of poetry (spoken-word). Therefore, I pay homage to these brothers who fought on the front lines of a grass roots level to address social inequalities......listen and learn.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Back in they music days they was basically telling the truth about the blacks and whites. Instead they put it in poetry and songs. The did cuss like the artists cuss in they songs in today rapping music but the don't lie in there songs they mostly are telling the Truth.

  3. Just from what I heard, they seem to generalize the young black community. However, they did have several good points. Things like: The simple fact that some won't change, despite wanting a change, the intellecet of the common folks being shown through what they say, and he constant degrading of people throough the music. All the points were very good, but the over usage of the word "nigga" made me astray from what the whole ideology of it. On that note, they never specified which gender they were speaking about. I assumed it was the male gender. Once again, it is very generalizing. Not all males are like this.

  4. As I listened to the words the poets were saying I saw the images in my head. The poets were putting everything they had seen and experience over their years. The violence and the uncalled for ignorance and drama.
