Thursday, April 16, 2015

Making History Culturally Relevant

In my class I try to always make the history that we are studying culturally relevant to my students. With that being said, we are currently studying East Asian Empires - the East Asian Empires included the following: China (Tang & Song Empires) ; Mongols; and Japanese w/ Samurai. So what way to make things more culturally relevant then thru music. Therefore, I present the Wu-Tang Clan.

Discussion Questions

  1. How has Chinese culture influenced the Wu-Tang Clan, according to RZA? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. What was the Wu-Tang? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Have you ever thought about how music is influenced by culture? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Rza compared how skilled he was in his verses to how skilled the Wu-Tang clan were when it came to combat
