Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Afrikan Presence in Meso America

While teaching World History in various classes, it is imperative that we understand who we are and where our legacy derives from. This is more evidence of our historical roots all over the earth:

1) From watching this video is there enough evidence to substantiate that "blacks" were the original Olmecs? Why? Why not? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) Look up Ivan Van Sertima! Tell me who he is according to your research? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) Are there reasons why you have never been introduced to this information? Why? Why not? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Making History Culturally Relevant

In my class I try to always make the history that we are studying culturally relevant to my students. With that being said, we are currently studying East Asian Empires - the East Asian Empires included the following: China (Tang & Song Empires) ; Mongols; and Japanese w/ Samurai. So what way to make things more culturally relevant then thru music. Therefore, I present the Wu-Tang Clan.

Discussion Questions

  1. How has Chinese culture influenced the Wu-Tang Clan, according to RZA? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. What was the Wu-Tang? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Have you ever thought about how music is influenced by culture? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Chinese Art Flourishes During the Song Empire

In class we discussed the relationship that warriors developed with art and how they held the studying of art to a high level of esteem. In this film clip you will see why they did such!

  1. As a warrior how might the study of art and nature be beneficial to you? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Have you ever watched Chinese movies with subtitles before? Why not? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. How is your culture different from the cultures that we are learning about in class? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

World History- Mongols

According to historical record this group of ruthless, skilled, and terrorizing people changed the perception of peoples thinking about Asia for many years. Also, the Mongols were able to unite the two continents in regards to trading and promoting the exchange of cultural ideologies. 

  1. Why were the Mongols such a feared fighting force? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Have you ever heard of Genghis Khan before watching this video? What are your thoughts of him? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Afrikan History is all over the planet, however our history is not readily discussed as much as it should and learn. Also be ready to share your thoughts of the information that is being transmitted!!!!

After watching the video, develop some questions via the comment box, that you might have regarding our Afrikan History.


  1. What does the aforementioned terms mean? (color struck & culture struck) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Why do you think that these concepts exist? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Have you ever encountered racism due to your ethnic identity? If yes, why do you think that this occurs? (specifics) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

VIEW Video and give feedback of your thoughts please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Do you know who Michelle Alexander is????

  1. What do you find interesting about this video? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Do you think that people of color are targeted (intentionally put in prison) by society? Why or why not? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. What are some things that you can do in order to not fall in the perpetual trap of going to prison? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. Describe the meaning of "white privilege?" ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Friday, February 13, 2015

Paying homage to one of our most illustrious and dynamic actors!!!!! Sydney Portier.....

His acting skills are phoenomenal....

  1. Can you name any of Sydney Portiers movies?
  2. Do you know where Syndey Portier was born?

3) What did you think of this clip? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Monday, February 9, 2015

History is not something that happened 500 or even 2,000 years ago. History is an on going concept that continues to manifest on a daily basis!!! To this day we are making history in all facets of society. Therefore, I have included a video which chronicles our historical contributions to civilizations and more importantly to our legacy. So check out and learn: Respond to the video by giving your opinion in the comments section!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Carter G Woodson

  1. Have you ever heard of Carter G. Woodson? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Why was mis-education of the negro such a profound book? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Do you know anyone who has read this book? What was their reaction to it? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are you "Black" ?

  1. How do you classify yourself? ____________________________________________________________________________
  2. Have you ever investigated this information? ____________________________________________________________________________
Afrikan History Project – 2015
PRE – PROJECT ASSESSMENT- 1) Interview – Students will develop questions to ask about their assigned topic!!! These questions should be relevant and pertain to the subject matter. This part of the project relates to the M6 and it will be captured digitally via video recording (camera) and pictures (phone / flipboard).
Students will be working in groups of 3’s. All students will be required to put effort into the project on a daily basis. If you feel that one of your team members is not involved enough, then you should contact me immediately.
After the pre – project assessment students should start compiling research on their subject matter. This information can be done via internet / own observation and put into their own words!!!! This information should be compiled into a 2) power point presentation. The amount of slides are going to be determined by the group it can range anywhere from 10 – 25 slides depending on the amount of information that is on each slide!!!! Information should be organized and it should make sense. Remember to take pics of your progress as part of the digital recording via pics for your flipboard!!!!
After putting together you power point, your group should start organizing your information to put unto you project boards ( 3) Writing). These project boards are like the ones I showed you in my class. Project boards should be neat, organized, and creative!!! This will fulfill the 4) graphic organizer portion of the M6.
Remember to take pics of the progress of the poster board, this is where most of your pics from your flipboard will come from.
After students have worked hard and continuously on the 19 / 20 th, you will present your projects on video (recorded). This will count toward the 5) Oral Presentation portion of the M6 curriculum. You should practice you content and presentation before you are scheduled to record. You can also have one of your classmates to take pics of your group while you present for your flipboard.  Some projects will incorporate 6)Debate into the project (i.e. Malcolm X vs. Martin Luther King – Who was the most influential leader?)
All components of the project must be completed if you want to receive full credit!!!!!! It will require work and huge amounts of effort, so let’s see if you are up to the challenge because it is easy to remain ignorant!!!!!
Topic List

James Yancey
Malcolm X vs. Martin Luther King
Mali, Ghana, and Songhai Empires
Freedom Riders vs. Little Rock Nine
Cadillac Records – Blacks Who founded Rock & Roll
Tyler Perry vs. Spike Lee
Berry Gordy vs. Russell Simmons
Tuskegee Airmen vs. Black Panthers
Blacks in Government – Barack Obama, Eric Holder, & Ron Brown
Sidney Poiter vs. Morgan Freeman
Alex Haley – Roots
Different World vs Cosby Show
Alpha vs Omega Psi Phi
Conscious Leaders of Today’s Era – Umar Johnson, Asa Hilliard, & Amos Wilson
Nation of Islam, Moorish Science Temple, and Nation of Gods & Earth
Sport Activists – Jim Brown, Muhammad Ali, & Authur Ashe
Jerome Bettis vs. Derrick Mason
Booker T. Washington vs. WEB Dubois
Garret Morgan vs. Benjamin Banneker
Steve Smith vs. Jalen Rose
Tulsa, OK. vs. Black Bottom Detroit - Black Owned Businesses
Hidden Colors 1, 2, &3
Kemet & Nubia
Ben Carson vs. Neil De Grasse Tyson
Venus, Serena, and Tiger - How they changed the game?
Bob Johnson vs. Oprah Winfrey
Lyte, Latifah, & Eve - Women in Hip Hop

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Movie Coach Carter Has Valuable Life Lessons In It!!!

View the clip and give me some constructive feedback Please!!!!

  1. What did you think of the clip? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. In today's society, do athletes value sports over education? Why? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. What are some of the stats that he gave? Which ones stood out to  you? Is there anything that we can do as a community to change those stats? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thursday, January 15, 2015

As we embark upon the prestigious month titled "black history", I would like to pose a question for you. Who was the more profound speaker of our historical legacy? Malcolm X or Martin Luther King? Listen to some of the speeches and weigh in on this post:

  1. Does he make any valid points in this speech that resonate with you? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. If Malcolm were alive today, what type of conversation would you have with him? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. What are your thoughts of this speech? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Compare and contrast the two speakers...what are their speaking styles? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Compare and contrast, how does the content of the two speeches differ? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Friday, January 9, 2015

Always trying to spread the Knowledge

Do you know who Mansa Musa was? 

Have you ever heard of the 3 Great - West African Empires? 
What are they? 

Examine the following link and obtain some information about the aforementioned via the link below: